Neighbourhood Profile


Postal code: V4N 0X8

Census tract ::9330187.14

Total Population: 3,810

photo taken from statics Canada

Neighborhood description: The “Fleetwood” area of Surrey is very close to my home where I am living currently. It is a very busy area due to access to most of the malls, plazas, and bus services.

The most interesting data about my Neighborhood area.

1.   1.   The neighborhood has row houses most in common.

In Fleetwood area of surrey has (59.2) row houses which is above half part of the total houses constructed in the area, this shocked me because the number is very large than Vancouver CMA till 2021.

The zoning of this area is mostly row houses rather than duplex apartment. Moreover, row houses can build in line which increases housing in this area, so the rent is also not much higher than Vancouver CMA.



2.   2. Neighborhood area have most mortgages to Finance houses.

70.3% proportion of total house buyers purchased houses on mortgages.

In 2021, tax on property skyrocketed that people cannot think about buying a house mostly due to corona pandemic all the markets were shut downed but in this area people took mortgages from the bank, funded the high interest mortgage payments and holds their property.

Due to high access of main necessary places the value of houses going up day by day , builders, developers always seeks for an opportunity to grab the house in this area no matter how expensive it is.


3.   3. In Neighborhood most houses are maintained by 1 maintainer.

Around half of the private dwellings (44.9) are maintained by only one person in the house.

However, mostly people are employed in this area but due to best decision taking quality and if there is only one maintainer then there will be less confusion between house members and house maintained in proper way.





  1. Hi Amritpal! I like how you connect the zoning of houses in your area to the rent price, good insight! The only thing is that some of your text is different colours and sizes, writing directly into blogger instead of copy and pasting should fix this issue. (:

  2. Hi Amritpal! I found the statistic about home maintenance to be really fascinating as that is something I really had not given much thought to in terms of how many people are maintaining a property. Very interesting!

  3. Hello amrit, I also choose the statics of row houses in my blog, it is really exciting to study. You explained about housing and mortgage data, which is a main topic to talk now a days. I am curious to know the counter data of Vancouver CMA. Also, it is the requirements of assignment. Overall, great to get this imformation.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello Amritpal, As Surrey residents, we are aware that the majority of potential homeowners favour Fleetwood due to its peaceful environment and proximity to schools and playgrounds, which is ideal for new families. That must be the primary cause of the houses' dependency on mortgages, in my opinion. Moreover, receiving the figures from your efforts reassured me as well. I appreciate all of your time and work.

  6. It was interesting to read all three findings about your Neighbourhood, and you also provided good explanation why you think so. The only thing that could be improved is that you could provide statistis about Vancouver CMA as well, so the readers could see the difference.

  7. Looking at housing, specifically at housing type and financing/mortgages is really relevant right now, so I think you did well to select this as a way look at the Census data from Statistics Canada. Surrey is a quickly growing city, and home ownership and rental prices are so darn expensive across the Vancouver CMA, so it is excellent to look at the Census data to see it quantified.

    It is difficult to truly gauge your analysis of the data because you have not included Vancouver CMA to compare it against. For example, your analysis for finding #2 needs a lot more context or information from comparing it to CMA, and also comparing it over time, before being able to attribute the 70.2% mortgage rate to hikes in property taxes and the pandemic, and stating that this rate is the highest. Linking to a chart of this information would strengthen your argument.

  8. Hey Amritpal, I was most surprised to learn about the rate of mortgages compared to Vancouver CMA. As others have mentioned, having less raw numbers in the blog makes it a little harder to navigate as well as harder to trust the conclusions.

  9. Hey Amritpal, I liked your post and thought the larger typeface made it nice and easy to read. Your third stat is quite interesting to me as I consider the amount of work that must take! As others have stated I think some number comparisons could improve your blog post as it would add credibility to the claims your making. Overall very interesting though, thanks for posting!

  10. Hello Amritpal
    I was surprised to learn about the mortgage in Vancouver CMA. While I was going through your Neighborhood profile post, I could not find much comparison between the two cities of Surrey and Vancouver CMA. Overall, I liked how you organized your information.

  11. Hi Amritpal, you did great on your post. I had no idea Fleetwood had such a multitude of row houses, honestly I never paid attention to the type of housing in the area, so it's cool to know that. One way to improve your post is by including more comparisons between your neighbourhood and Vancouver CMA.

  12. You did a great job with your neighbourhood profile. The discussion of row houses and home mortgage patterns in Fleetwood was illuminating. A few more details concerning the single maintainer factor might help in strengthening your analysis. Well done!

  13. Hey Amrit! I never thought COVID-pandemic had this effect on Mortgages. It really shook the market and increased the taxes disallowing people to further think about spending their savings. It’s crazy to see that about 70% of people had their houses through mortgages.


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