Neighbourhood Profile
2024-01-28 Postal code: V4N 0X8 Census tract :: 9330187.14 Total Population: 3,810 photo taken from statics Canada Neighborhood description: The “Fleetwood” area of Surrey is very close to my home where I am living currently. It is a very busy area due to access to most of the malls, plazas, and bus services. The most interesting data about my Neighborhood area. 1. 1. The neighborhood has row houses most in common. In Fleetwood area of surrey has (59.2) row houses which is above half part of the total houses constructed in the area, this shocked me because the number is very large than Vancouver CMA till 2021. The zoning of this area is mostly row houses rather than duplex apartment. Moreover, row houses can build in line which increases housing in this area, so the rent is also not much higher than Vancouver CMA. 2. 2 . Neighborhood area have most mortgages to Finance houses. 70.3% pro...